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That's us!

About us

We are a small indie game studio with the primary goal of creating exceptional and enjoyable games. Our focus is on delivering quality experiences without placing money as our top priority.


Our mission is to create enjoyable and high-quality games within our abilities. We are committed to delivering the best possible gaming experience without overly prioritizing financial considerations. All our games are designed to be affordable, ensuring that they provide value equivalent to the time and money invested by our players.


Our vision is to broaden our influence by developing high-quality games that bring joy to a wide audience. We aim to cultivate a thriving community and offer them top-notch content. We deeply appreciate every form of support, whether it's through direct patronage or a simple addition to the Steam wishlist.

Our Team

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Lead Developer & CEO

Image by Mohammad Hoseini Rad


Social Media Manager

Image by Elimende Inagella


Support Manager

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